I, hands down, have the best family and friends in the whole world. I am truly blessed to have them, and have their complete support and love as I go through this, and anything else.
Here are some well wishes from family and friends after hearing the initial news:
Type it as I pray it:
Dear Heavenly Father, we love you Lord,
We pray dear Lord for Paula and all of the doctors that will be involved in the process of surgery and recovery over the next few months. Lord we pray for the best outcome in this, that your healing hand would touch Paula and make the growth go away. But if your touch requires the hands of doctors then I pray that you would work through them and that you would have them know exactly what and how much to remove. Also Lord we pray for Paula durring this time as she also busy having just graduated and preparing for a wedding. Ease her mind and her fears, and give her peace beyond understanding. Thank you and Amen
~Clint, Church Family
I am sorry to hear this. I am sure it is scary but it is also good that you are aware of the need for surgery. Please know that I will keep this matter very much in prayer. God is good and in control and He will see you through this.
Let me know if you need anything else and please keep us posted.
~Mary, Church Family
Hang in there, Paula. I will be praying for you.
~Melanie, Church Family
Paula, I'm sorry you have to go through this, but I'll pray that all goes well.
Katie had to have gallbladder surgery right before her wedding too! Not good
timing, but surgery is never welcome. I work for some surgeons at Strong who do
this surgery. Who are you going to?......I've heard of Chris Caldwell and I'm sure he's excellent.
~Gail, Church Family
Hi Paula,
Just wanted you to know I am praying for you, God is good all the time and He will see you through this, rest in His love, comfort and peace. Love you.
~Brenda, Church Family
Give Paula my best and let her know I will be praying for her and will put in a prayer request at church on Sunday.
Paula is a strong girl she will be ok.
~Lori, Family Friend (who also put me in her church's prayer requests)
We will be praying for you every day and know in our hearts that all will go well!
~Ray & Sue, Church Family
It’s taken me all day to write this and I still don ‘t know what to say. I can’t even wrap my brain around it. I cannot even begin to imagine what everyone is going through. Everything in the medical info you sent sounds very hopeful, and that, as you say is the good news. But at the end of the day it’s still your kid and impacts the whole family. Anything you need, I mean anything, just ask me to do it or take care of it to lighten your load.
~Bonnie, Family Friend
I will definetly pray for you and your complete healing.
~Deb, Church Family
I know I haven't been to church in quite some time, but my mother told me about what's going on with you. I want you to know that I am thinking about you, and I hope everything goes well at the doctor on the 15th. As you said, hopefully you can get in sooner if an opening becomes available. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
~Anne, Church Family
oh wow dear. :( yikes not good. yes keep me posted as well dear and let us know if you need anything!!!
~Kelsey, College Friend
PAULA!!!!! Dislike insanely much!! You'd better be okay, ma'am! :/ ♥ Keep me posted.
~Chrissy, High School Friend
Just want you to know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers!! Praying for God's mercy and grace and peace upon you during this time. Praying for wisdom and His perfect timing in all things. Praying for his special gentle healing touch on your thyroid. Just want you to know that you are loved and valued beyond measure. Hugs!
~Mary, "New" Family
Best of luck to you! Better to have the procedure done with, so you can recover and be healthy!
~"dance", Internet Friend
It sounds like it is a pretty minor surgery, I'm sure you will be fine. PM me if you want surgery details (I haven't had the same surgery but I have had more than I would like!).
Good luck!
~"MissAsB", Internet Friend
Sounds like it won't be too bad. I hope you can get it over with soon, and I'm sure you'll do fine. Think of it as a nice excuse to be pampered by loved ones :)
~"jennifer_espos", Internet Friend
Hey Paula...just wanted you to know thoughts are with you...just a bump in the road...brighter days in August...xo...you will come out stronger than ever!!
~Debbie, Immediate Family
I was even lucky enough for everyone to gather around me during the prayer song and prayer at church. It was so amazing to have everyone show their support for me! Thank you, everyone, for your support and love!
I love you guys!